Friday, August 7, 2009

Trip to the Vet

I took the horses to the vet yesterday for teeth floating. Twiggs needs to go back in 6 mos to file one exceptionally tall tooth down again. The vet gave both horses the same dose of sedative but I guess Twiggs is a light weight! She was much more "drunk" than Ronan.

Here is Twiggs getting her teeth floated:

Here is droopy! HAHA she kept her tongue out for about 20 minutes I think!

Ronan went first and this pic was taken once he finished and was waiting for Twiggs. You can see his head is only being held up by his halter! haha

I think sedated horses is one of the funniest things to see haha.

1 comment:

  1. I just had Ace's teeth done for the first time since I got him, and I have to admit I absolutely cracked up watching my sedated horse. He fought the first sedative and had to get a second dose. He was hilarious. And his teeth are in much better shape now.
