Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I can't believe it has been a month since I last posted on this blog. Unfortunately, not much exciting has happened. My female dachshund had to have an emergency surgery which you can read about here. Other than that, Steven and I went to Talladega this past weekend. It was fun but so dang hot. We didn't stay the whole race and missed two pretty good wrecks. Oh well. We did make it to Birmingham and had dinner with some old horse friends from our previous barns in AL. It was very good to see them and we stopped by the old barn. It hasn't changed much but has a whole different crowd now. I want to show Ronan at a small local all-breed open show this weekend but Steven wants to stay home and watch the Kentucky Derby. That's fine...I should probably get Ronan in shape a little more before I start to show him again. We considered going to the Derby this year but it looks like money will be a little tight since Delta's surgery was so expensive and because we went to 'Dega. Maybe next year! Looking forward to relaxing this weekend. Maybe a nice trail ride at Baker's Creek.....did I write about my last experience there? That will be my next post! lol