Monday, January 18, 2010

3 pastured pets?

As I made my way out the door this morning carrying two buckets of grain for the horses, I noticed something a little odd....Twiggs came running first, down the hill through the gate and slid to a stop in the mud at her bucket. Next came Ronan, trotting down the hill, through the gate, tossing his head in his attempt to look like a stud muffin. He, too, slid to a stop at his bucket.

And wait, something else is running down the's the pig!

The pig that wanders our neighborhood from time to time and always stops to visit my horses and scrounge for dropped grain underneath their buckets. So here comes the pig, down the hill, through the gate, and low and behold, trots all the way down to the salt block holder like it was her bucket!!! HAHA!

She just stood there looking at me like, ok, my turn! Once the Dachshunds started barking at her, she turned and trotted out of the pasture and down the road....haha....I have no idea where she lives or even if she has a home. But she does look fat and healthy.

These pictures were taken from a different time the pig did the same thing.

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