Wasn't full of too much action but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Most of the time was spent lounging around the house, either watching tv or chasing kittens......Anybody want one? We have got to find homes for them soon. In our green room, we do not have a door...only a child's gate which the kittens have no learned to climb and escape. We have tried to put cardboard, plastic tops, anything we can think of to keep them in but nothing has worked yet. They are cute though. I was thinking of advertising them with a $25 gift certificate to go towards having them spayed / neutered. *If we can afford to*
I'm still working but it won't be for too much longer. I can't remember if I mentioned it but the company I work for is going out of business. I'm only sticking around to finalize things with the accounting mess. Afterwards, I will start looking for a new job. In the meantime, I will try to get the house straight. I feel horrible that we are still practically living out of boxes. I just wish Steven and I could move somewhere that we actually own so I don't feel like we will have to move as soon as I get the house half way how I want it. I get so frustrated sometimes because we are still renting. I know we aren't married yet but we have been together for 3.5 yrs and have lived together for pretty much 2.5 yrs. We have a lot of debt from student loans and such from college so we cannot buy a house. It's really frustrating when I talk to my friends from high school and they all own their own home, are married, and most even have children. I feel like I'm really behind because I went to college. And It's Not Fair!
I know I'm whining....I'll stop. Ugh!
On another note, we haven't gotten to ride at all! Seems like when we plan to, it rains....or we get stuck driving T-posts instead.....
5 years ago
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