This morning, I was reading The topic was animal communicators. I was extremely surprised to find that every single post by someone that had used one gave them good reviews. One story was especially emotional.
* The comment below was borrowed from the comments section on the ihateyourhorse blog.
Everytime I read this, I get goosebumps!
Susan said...
I actually have a good communicator story. I used to ride at this barn years back. The woman who owned it had a gelding she loved more than anything. He was getting on in years and started to have some health problems. She had out vets, chiropractors, and pretty much any one else she thought could help her. Well she ends up bringing out a communicator.The woman talks to him and hits on a lot of things that are true about his life and personality. When they got to the big health question, the woman paused and then looked at his owner and said, "He's ready to go, but your not ready for him to leave. He's staying here because you ask him every night not to leave you yet. When you are ready, he'll let go."The owner started crying because she actually did in fact have a nightly ritual of asking the gelding not to leave her yet. She always did it alone and none of us knew this was going on.A few weeks later as she went to leave for the night she put him out in his favorite pasture,gave him a kiss, and said, "I love you, it's OK if you want to let go now. I'll be alright."They found him dead in the pasture the next day. None of us thought it was a coincidence that he died the very first nigth she told him he could leave.I wish I'd kept that psychic's name...
July 15, 2009 4:48 AM
Do you have any animal communicator stories?
5 years ago
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